EELE 101 Car
Every semester the EELE 101 classes have done their final project as a race using the Freescale Cup Cars. Each student purchased a kit that had everything they needed to build and program their robots to do autonomous line following. Unfortunately this semester those kits will not be available, and the department has had to look elsewhere for a similar project. The purpose of this senior project is to design a Freescale Car replacement that will still fulfill the EELE 101 course requirements.

The team will design a car that will meet the curriculum of the EELE 101 course while also keeping in mind that the project needs to be fun and inspire students to think about the engineering field. A single robot will be designed that the team sees as the best possible solution, but to more fully understand and compare platforms, 4 other viable solutions will be built to be compared and show their capabilities.
In the past, students have programmed the Freescale Cars to race in a line following task. This senior design project still program the robots to autonomously follow lines but it will be applied to maze solving. Essentially the students will program the robots to follow a line while also programming it to find the most efficient path through a maze. Other programming tasks have been looked into but the team has decided that this would be the most viable one.
Advisor and Sponsor Information
Prof. Brock LaMeres, Ph.D | Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Professor533 Cobleigh Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717
Office: (406) 994-5985