The objective of this project is design and build a small robot (micromouse) that will navigate the region 6 IEEE Micromouse Maze in Spring 2008. The robot will be small (25cm x 25cm), fully autonomous, will cost less than $500, and will navigate the maze from one of the corners to the center of the maze, storing its path as it goes. The maze is 16 x 16 cells, where each cell is an 18cm x 18cm square with 5cm high walls on any of its four sides. The full rules can be found here: 2007 IEEE Region 6 Micromouse Rules For an analysis of the ways in which the micromouse design project is impacted by the synthesis of economic, environmental, sustainability, manufacturability, ethical, health and safety, social, and political constraints, read our Engineering Design Contraints paper.
The members of the team are Orion Bukantis, Josh Clark, and Stasha Patrick. The team's advisor is Dr. Richard Wolff, and the team is sponsored by the Montana chapter of IEEE.