Table 3 shows the spring schedule for the project. These are dates that have been setup to meet to be able to finish the project. As the driven trolley is not part of the main projects, the project is done when the trolley is able to unweight someone and move across the I-beam. Therefore, February 10th is the date that is set to meet all the requirements and continue to develop the motion control. April 7th is the date set to finish the project.


December 15th

January 10th

January 27th

February 10th

March 10th

April 7th

Parts ordered

Trolley Plates made

Trolley built

Able Unweight

Trolley moved by arduino

Movement control functions

Side Supports ordered

Trolley pulleys made

Interface Circuit Built

Trolley Functions as Trolley

Testing control of movement

Project is done


Received all ordered parts

Arduino control valve

HI Finished


Motor decision

Requirement met


Air piston mounted

Begin Motor



Table 3: Spring Schedule