Team Members

Elizabeth Bastian
Electrical Engineering
Elizabeth is a senior studying electrical engineering. She is interested in working in the power industry, particularly in the field of renewable energy. Elizabeth is especially excited to be working on Montana State’s first solar car since 1995 for her senior design project. In her spare time, she enjoys skiing, mountain biking, playing guitar, and spending time with friends.

Shaun Baumchen
Electrical Engineering
Shaun is originally from Bonney Lake, WA and moved to Bozeman, MT in 2015 after receiving an associates degree of science from Pierce Community College. He is graduating from MSU with a degree in Electrical Engineering and has interests in power system design, power electronics, and alternative energy. He enjoys snowboarding, fishing, hunting, backpacking, and any other outdoor activities.

Jonny Nolan
Electrical Engineering
Jonny is a senior in the electrical engineering department at MSU who is interested in alternative energy generation and the power systems surrounding the subject. He is from Missoula, MT and when he’s not doing schoolwork you can find him performing various outdoor activities such as skiing or hunting. He is very excited to be a part of this project and is looking forward to what the final product will be.

Michael Seaholm
Electrical Engineering
Michael is graduating from MSU in the spring of 2018 with a concentration in power systems. He selected to participate in the solar car senior design project due to his interest in alternative energy generation. He is excited to be a part of the first solar car team since 1995, and looks forward to the challenge of the electrical systems design for the car.