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     Original Specifications and Planning

- information from previous section

Functional Specifications:
    The functional purpose of this product is to provide a visual representation of what occurs in DRAM memory using LEDs.  The user must be able to write to and read from the memory in a way that can be displayed by a 2 dimensional array of LEDs.  There must also exist a visual demonstration of charge leakage and a refresh routine to fix the problem.  Finally, there must be a mode that demonstrates memory defects and presents a failure analysis solution to circumvent the defects.  The user must be able to select and execute different modes from a user interface, which they can use with the aid of an operation manual

Project Goals:
 - Portable
 - Battery powered
 - Controllable via on board User Interface
 - More detailed control available through computer GUI
 - Accurately model the flow of charge in DRAM memory using an LED array

Design Metrics:
    The first metric to measure the success of our system is how much the system ends up costing to make.  If we exceed the allocated budget during the course of fabrication there will be insufficient funds to make the required amount of units.  The amount of units produced is the second metric of success, to have this project be a success we must deliver the requested amount of product.  The next design metrics are those of size and weight.  In order for the product to be easily portable, it must not be too large in either dimensions or mass.  The next design metric is the amount of power consumed by the device.  If they use too much power the device will quickly run down its battery and need a replacement.  Related to the power consumed is the metric of heat produced.  If too much heat is produced, physical damage to the electronics can occur.  The final metric is durability.  The more durable the system is the longer it should last and the more successful a product it will be.  

     Initial Designs
This product will consist of two 8x4 LED arrays driven by an Arduino microcontroller. Each LED array will consist of 32 red LEDs arranged in a 4x8 grid, with 84 smaller yellow and 72 smaller green LEDs connecting the red LEDs in groups of 3.  These smaller LEDs will represent  wordlines (yellow) and bitlines (green).  Red LEDs will represent memory cells as the red LEDs are direct analogues to the capacitors in DRAM.  There will also be 8 blue LEDs to represent the sense amps.  These will be  placed in the sense amp gap between the two arrays.

Figure 1
The side view of the design

Figure 2
The top view of the design

Two of the bitlines on the right hand side of each array will be used to represent the spare cells in a DRAM memory array.  The bottom word line in each array will also be held in reserve for spare cells in the memory array.
    This LED array will be controllable through two different control schemes, a non computer interface accessed from the body of the product, and a computer GUI.
    The PC GUI will have the ability to insert cell defects into the array, simulated by deactivating a red LED, allow for selection and programing of a single memory cell, represented by activation of the selected red LED, allow for programing of the spare memory cells, and display the waveform of the operation selected as it would appear in a real DRAM module.  This will be accomplished through direct interaction with a virtual array on the screen, with the memory cells clickable to activate or deactivate.  There will also be a drop down menu to select a pre-programmed read/write cycle, a refresh routine, and a cycling automatic pseudo-random read/write operation.
    The Non computer interface will utilize the on-device LCD screen and buttons to allow basic user control of the device.  
    The screen will display basic menus, which can be navigated using the directional control pad, the select button, and back button.  From these menus the user will be able to selct different options for device operation such as the refresh rate time and whether defects are present.

For the controller to drive the product, an Arduino Mega 2560 was chosen.  It was chosen due to it's numerous outputs, extensive libraries and documentation, its ability to read analog inputs, and its ability to easily output PWM waveforms.

Figure 3
The Arduino Mega 2560

For the display on the user interface it was decided to use a basic 20x4 5 V black on green monochromatic LCD module.  This was chosen because it's HD44780 chipset was compatible with the Arduino's liquid crystal library, because it is inexpensive, and because the 20x4 display allows plenty of text to fit on the screen.  

Figure 4
The Wiring of the LCD screen

For the inputs of the user display it was decided to use 12 mm momentary square pushbutton switches.   These switches were to be wired in the following configuration to take advantage of the Arduino's analog input and save digital I/O pins in case they were needed for something else.  The resistors were chosen to separate the voltage read when each button was pressed by  0.5 V. 

Figure 5
The wiring schematic for the button inputs

    In order to wire a sufficient number of LEDs, it was necessary to get more outputs than the Arduino had digital I/O pins.  To do this we ended up using the wiring multiplexing scheme called charlieplexing.  The basic principle behind charlieplexing is that it is possible to wire an LED going each direction across every combination of I/O pins.  To light up a  LED, one pin can be held high and another at ground.  Because of the forward voltage required to illuminate an LED, LEDs in parallel with the target LED will not illuminate.  

Figure 6
A small scale charlieplexed wiring scheme

To test this wiring scheme, a 4 pin charlieplexed array was built and tested.  In this demo it was demostrated that:
 - Multiple LEDs could appear to be lit by flickering rapidly between them
 - LEDs can have their brightness controlled by outputting a PWM signal
 - LEDs can be lit at different brightnesses simultaneously
 - An LED can be made to fade in and out by steping the duty cycle of the PWM signal illuminating them  
With the initial test of charlieplexing a success, a larger array was constructed to discern if there would be problems in scaling the design.  After testing, it was decided to go forward with the current plans for the project.

Figure 7
A test from the second charlieplexing test array

     Design Changes/Product Development
Before fabrication was comenced the following changes were made to the design:
- The number of  LEDs separating each row was reduced from 3 to 2 to simplify the design and reduce costs
- The GUI computer interface was dropped as a requirement for the project after expressing concerns about time constraints to the sponsor
- The number of products to make was reduced from 4 o 3 due to budget constraints Fddddd
- The 20x4 LCD display was replaced with a 16x2 display (otherwise of the same specs) to reduce the size of the final product

After making these changes a wiring diagram was created to simplify PCB design.  

Figure 8
The original wiring of the LEDs

    The charlieplexed array used the Arduino's PWM I/O pins so that the brightness of each LED could be controlled easily.  Since an entire bit line or word line would be lit up simultaneously in our design, 2 LEDs (more would cause the forward voltage to exceed the output of the I/O pins) were wired in series for each of the LEDs in between a cell to further reduce complexity and the amounts of pins required.  Because the LEDs chosen for the bit lines and word lines had different IV characteristics than those used for the cells and wordlines, separate resistors were wired in series with the cell and sense amp leds to provide additional control over their currents.  It is possible to illuminate an entire row or collumn of LEDs by holding the wire corresponding to the row/collumn at ground or high and flipping all other pins to the opposite value.  Other LEDS must be flickered between to take advantage of the persistence of vission phenomenon and make it apear that multiple LEDs are lit simultaneously.  LEDs along the diagonal marked in red do not conform to the row column wiring scheme, and must be delt with individually.  The dots present in some cells indicate that the cell is unavailable to have an LED in it either because it is in the diagonal (red) or has been rerouted to the diagonal (black).  

    When the buttons were connected in the configuration shown in figure 5, it was discovered that the program would occasionally pole the input port when the buttons were not fully depressed.  This led to voltage readings indicating a different button was pressed and caused errors in the program.  To fix the problem the circuit to detect inputs was changed to that shown in figure 9.  Two buttons were also removed to account for the fact that the smaller LCD display screen would not need a left and right selection, only an up and down selection.  

Figure 9
The new button wiring

    The design of the LED display was further altered to figure 10 during PCB design.

Figure 10
The final LED wiring

    After this the PCB board was designed and ordered, the plastic for the box was ordered.  
- Different LEDs were chosen, causing the cells to now be white, the word lines to be red, the bit lines to be yellow, and the sense amps to be blue.  This led to the possibility of removing the cell/SA resistors and thus they were replaced with shorts while soldering
The version 1 box was constructed using platic welding.  

Figure 11
The PCB before being soldered

Figure 12
The PCB after being soldered

Figure 12
The completed version 1 box

    After completion of the version 1 box it was decided to slim the design by moving the front panel to the top in future versions.