
Most people have hobbies they enjoy but that also take time and effort to enjoy.  One hobby that some people have is brewing beer or soda at home.  Usually, a lot of time spent on home brewing is getting the right ingredients to achieve the desired flavors in the drink.  But some users want more technology built into their home brewing systems, such as knowing what temperature their kegs are at.  A lot of home brewers want to know how much liquid is in their kegs so they know when to begin brewing a new batch.



We are making a system that will tell a user exactly how much liquid is in their kegs.  Currently, most home brewers are stuck shaking their kegs to guess how much liquid is left.  They could also buy expensive setups, but we want to build an inexpensive system in that will require little to no work by the user to determine the exact amount of liquid left in their kegs.  We also want our system to be able to incorporate other sensors such as temperature or pressure.

Sponsor/Adviser Information

Chris Arrasmith | Revibro Optics.

President at Revibro Optics

Prof. Paul Nugent | Electrical & Computer Engineering


Office: COBH630
Tel: (406) 994-6942