Team Members

Jordan Parr
Jordan is a senior in Computer Engineering and Computer Science. He finds the interfacing between hardware and software very interesting, making this project a great fit. He is currently working at the SmartyCats center on campus, helping other students with their coursework for the past four years.

Johnny Gaddis
Johnny was raised in Evergreen, CO. He is currently pursuing a Bachelors degree and has been since fall 2014. Johnny is a part of the RadSat-g project under Dr. Brock LaMeres and will continue to do so throughout the year.

Cameran Adkins
Cameran is a 5th year senior at Montana State University, and is a student-athlete on the MSU Spirit Squad; he has been a captain of the team for the last four years. Cameran will graduate in the Spring of 2018 with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering and a minor in Computer Science. After college, he plans on working with is father designing electronics for aerospace applications.