Topic: Introductory organizational meeting. Will be discussing SPIE and what it can do
for you, as well as new openings for officer positions.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017, 5:00-6:30 PM
What: Tour
Where: Spectrum Lab
Speaker/Host: Dr. Zeb Barber, Director of Spectrum Lab (
Topic: SPIE will be given a tour of Spectrum Lab. Spectrum Lab is a research lab at MSU
that focuses on emerging opto-electronic technologies. For more information about
Spectrum Lab, visit their website.
NOTE: This tour will be on location at Spectrum Lab. We will meet in front of Barnard
Hall (formerly EPS) around 5:00 PM and will walk over as a group. If you are going
to be late, send us an email. Please, join us!
Speakers: Representatives from the Department of Defense's SMART Program
Topic: Representatives of the SMART program will talk about how BS, MS, and PhD students
can have their school paid for in addition to yearly stipends up to $38,000. Elections
for the officer positions will also be held.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017, 5:00-6:00 PM
What: Meeting
Where: Barnard 258 (Dayton Conference Room)
Topic: This meeting will be for writing the exam for the optics portion of Science Olympiad
(November 21st, 2017). Come with your best level appropriate (middle school and high
school), multiple choice optics related questions.
Wednesday, November 15th, 2017, 5:00-6:00 PM
What: Meeting
Where: 330 Cobleigh (Lloyd Berg Conference Room)
Speaker: Dr. Zeb Barber, MSU Spectrum Lab
Topic: Dr. Zeb Barber will be giving a short talk on the theory and applications of Microwave
Photonic Links. He is actively looking for a student to work on this project in the
Optics and Photonics Masters Program, at MSU Spectrum Lab. Following this talk the
group will discuss upcoming events, including volunteer work for the Montana Science
Monday, November 20th, 2017, 5:00-10:00 PM
What: STEM Fun Night
Where: Museum of the Rockies
Topic: Volunteer at this event hosted for the Science Olympiad participants! Run a booth
with optics-related demonstrations and share your interest in optics to middle school
and high school students. If interested, please add your name to the sign up sheet
through the link below.
Topic: Members of the SPIE Student Chapter will once again be running the optics portion
of the Montana Science Olympiad. Volunteers are needed to help run the event. Responsibilities
include timing the event, administering exams, helping grade exams, and generally
encouraging an interest in optics. Please sign up to help using the link below, even
if you are only able to come for a single hour. You do not need to be a member of
SPIE or the student chapter to volunteer.
Speaker: Dr. Kevin Repasky, Professor from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Topic: In his talk, “Radiative Forcing of the Atmosphere”, Dr. Repasky will look at the
effects of carbon dioxide and aerosol on the radiative budget of the atmosphere.
As an example, he will look at a case study of forest fire smoke over the northwestern
part of the U.S.
Note: This will be the last meeting with all members this semester.
The Optics and Photonics Society Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717