What: Workshops for students interested in optics and photonics
Details: The Optical Bench Basics workshops are designed for both graduate and undergraduate
students who are interested in working in research in optics and photonics. These
workshops are designed to introduce students to some important concepts in optics
and photonics, as well as to also give hands-on experience with an optical bench and
the corresponding typical components and methods. The workshops are as follows:
5th September at 4:00 PM -- Detectors with Prof. Brian D'Urso
20th September at 4:00 PM -- Geometric Optics with Prof. Joseph Shaw
25th and 27th September at 4:00 PM -- Interferometry with Prof. Charles Kankelborg
3rd October at 5:30 PM -- Laser Systems and Safety with Mr. Trent Berg
If you are interested in attending any of the workshops, please request a spot by
filling out this form and SPIE will email you with the details. Each session is expected to run for about
2 hours. If you have any questions, or would like more information, please email SPIE
at spie.msu.secretary@gmail.com.
Tuesday, September 18th, 2018, 5:00-6:00 PM
What: Meeting
Where: 330 Cobleigh (Lloyd Berg Conference Room)
Speaker: Aislinn Daniels, Ph.D. in Physics candidate at Montana State University
Topic: Daniels will give her talk, “Demonstration of Vector Matrix Multiplication Using
a Spatial-Spectral Material”. Vector matrix multiplication (VMM), at large scales,
requires a supercomputer to calculate quickly. However, by utilizing a new concept
for optical processing using spatial-spectral (S2) materials, fast large-scale VMM
could be accomplished with a fraction of the power and physical space required by
the world's most efficient current supercomputers. This talk will detail this method,
present the results of an experimental implementation of S2 VMM with 9x9 matrices,
and discuss the potential and some requirements for large scale S2 VMM.
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018, 5:00-6:00 PM
What: Meeting
Where: 330 Cobleigh (Lloyd Berg Conference Room)
Speaker: Dr. David Dickensheets, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Topic: Dr. Dickensheets will discuss his research in the field of microdevice and optical
instrument development.
Thursday, November 8th, 2018, 5:30-8:30 PM
What: STEM Night Outreach Event
Where: Heck/Quaw Elementary School, Belgrade
About: Volunteer at this event to showcase optics to elementary school students! Run a booth with optics-related demonstrations and share your interest in optics.
If interested, please add your name to the sign up sheet through the link below.
Sign up to volunteer here. People will be offering rides for those who can not travel to Belgrade themselves.
The group will leave at about 5 PM. Setup will be from 5:30-6:00 PM, and the event
will run from 6:00-8:00 PM. Depending on availability, there may be a ride for people
to volunteer for only the second half of the event.
Monday, November 19th, 2018, 5:00-9:00 PM
What: STEM Fun Night (Science Olympiad)
Where: Museum of the Rockies
About: Volunteer at this event to share optics with Science Olympiad participants! Run a
booth with optics-related demonstrations and share your interest in optics with middle
school and high school students. If interested, please add your name to the sign up
sheet through the link below.
Sign up to volunteer here. Shifts are one hour long, with 5-6 PM for setup. The main event runs from 6 to 9
The Optics and Photonics Society Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717