Lower Falls of the Yellowstone (308 ft.), Yellowstone National Park

Lower Falls of the Yellowstone (308 ft.), Yellowstone National Park.

Academic Calendar Summary Printable Documents

Click to download draft:   Spring 2025 (.docx)

Prior semesters:

Fall 2024 (.docx)
Fall 2023 (.docx)  Spring 2024 (.docx)  Summer 2024 (.docx) 
Fall 2022 (.docx)  Spring 2023 (.docx)  Summer 2023 (.docx) 
Fall 2021 (.docx)  Spring 2022 (.docx)  Summer 2022 (.docx)
Fall 2020 (.docx)  Spring 2021 (.docx)  Summer 2021 (.docx)
Fall 2019 (.docx)
 Spring 2020 (.docx)  Summer 2020 (.docx)
Fall 2018 (.docx)  Spring 2019 (.docx)  Summer 2019 (.docx)
Fall 2017 (.docx)  Spring 2018 (.docx)
Fall 2016 (.docx)  Spring 2017 (.docx)
Fall 2015 (.doc)  Spring 2016 (.doc)
Fall 2014 (.doc)  Spring 2015 (.doc)
Fall 2013 (.doc)  Spring 2014 (.doc)
Fall 2012 (.doc)  Spring 2013 (.doc)
Fall 2011 (.doc)  Spring 2012 (.doc)
Fall 2010 (.doc)  Spring 2011 (.doc)
Fall 2009 (.doc)  Spring 2010 (.doc)
Fall 2008 (.doc)  Spring 2009 (.doc)
Fall 2007 (.doc)  Spring 2008 (.doc)
Fall 2006 (.doc)  Spring 2007 (.doc)
Fall 2005 (.doc)  Spring 2006 (.doc) 

Departmental Information Rack Forms (current) 

Flowsheets EE_2024-2025_2sided 20240117 current
EE_2024-2025_2sided_M151 20240117 current
CpE_2024-2025_2sided 20240117 current
CpE_2024-2025_2sided_M151 20240117 current
EE 2023-2024 2sided 20230419

EE 2023-2024 2sided M151 start
CpE 2023-2024 2sided
CpE 2023-2024 2sided M151 start
  EE 2022-2023 2sided   old

EE 2022-2023 2sided WITH M151 START
CpE 2022-2023 2sided
CpE 2022-2023 2sided WITH M151 START


EE 2021-2022 2sided
EE 2021-2022 2sided
CpE 2021-2022 2sided
CpE 2021-2022 2sided
EE 2021-2022 flowsheet
EE 2021-2022 flowsheet
CpE 2021-2022 flowsheet
CpE 2021-2022 flowsheet WITH M151 START



EE 2017-2018 2sided

CpE 2017-2018 2sided

EE 2016-2017 2sided

CpE 2016-2017 2sided

EE 2015-2016 2sided

CpE 2015-2016 2sided

EE 2014-2015 2sided

CpE 2014-2015 2sided




CpE new student (freshmen) advising recs: New Student Advising 20170601
EE new student (freshmen) advising recs: New Student Advising 20170601
CpE advising for students not calculus-ready CpE non-calc-ready 20170601
EE advising for students not calculus-ready EE non-calc-ready 20170601


EE and CpE Minors one-page description: EE+CpE Minors 20181025
Minors checklists (EE, CpE, CS, Aero, Mechatronics, Math, Optics): Popular minors checklists 20181025


Student data form: Student data form 20170601


Internship information packet: Intern Packet 20170601


MSU Academic Advising Information

Provost Info for Faculty

Proposal Clearance Instructions

Tuition and Fee Information

Total cost is tuition, fees, program fee, health insurance premium (if applicable), and foreign student admin fee $125 per semester and summer (if applicable).

Campus Info

Common Forms

Activity Insight activity reporting

MSU Appointment Scheduler (for pre-registration advising appointments)

MSU Communications now has a new mechanism for faculty and staff to set up advising appointments. Go to URL: https://www.montana.edu/scheduler/login/advisor/

and sign in with your NetID and password. Once logged in you can use the links at the top of the screen to "Set Your Availability" by choosing dates and times that you will be available for advising appointments. You can also "Configure Options" to create your profile, adjust the display options, and other details.

Once your availability and configuration is set, you can let your advisees know to go to URL: https://www.montana.edu/scheduler/login/student/ , login with their NetID, and then search for your last name to see and sign up for appointments.

Once an advisee selects an appointment, you will receive an email (including an Outlook calendar entry) to help keep things consistent between the Appointment Scheduler and your Outlook calendar.

CLASSROLLS--Download class rosters as Excel files, text files, etc.

Instructors need to go to:

Existing users may login with a NETID username and password. New users send an e-mail message with the requested information to classrolls@montana.edu . ITC will set up the authentication and send user instructions by return mail.

Your authentication will continue automatically from semester to semester once you are registered.

Once registered, you can download class rosters in any of the following formats:

  • Excel (2002 and newer) spreadsheet file (.xls) (recommended for Excel)
  • Comma-separated values file for spreadsheet (.csv)
  • Comma-separated values file with column names for spreadsheet (.csv)
  • iClicker (WebCT CMS) class file (class.txt)
  • iClicker (General CMS) roster file (roster.txt)
  • Text data file (.txt)

ADVISEE EMAIL LISTSERVS--Email to all of your academic advisees

A listserv is setup and maintained automatically for your undergraduate academic advisees.  The naming convention for your advising listserv is shown in this example:  firstname.lastname-advisees@sympa.montana.edu

The first portion of the listserv name (firstname.lastname) most often matches the first portion of your email address.

  • You can confirm your Banner-assigned firstname.lastname by following these steps:
  • From the MSU Bozeman home page (www.montana.edu), click on the "Faculty & Staff" link in the black ribbon at the top of the page, then select the "Employee Resources" menu and click on the "My Profile Password Reset" link.
  • Once logged into My Profile, click on the "My Accounts & ID Usernames" link in the left column, to view your “First.Last ID”
  • If your firstname.lastname includes a number, that will be included in the name of your listserv email address. Example: cathy.moberg3-advisees@sympa.montana.edu

More info: http://www.montana.edu/uit/lists/advisee.html

CLASS EMAIL LISTSERVS--Email to all students enrolled in your class

Lists are automatically created for each and every EE class and lab section. The lists roll over to the new semester after grades are due at the end of the current semester.

  1. The list names are in the format SSSSCCCNNN-smYY where SSSS is the subject area, CCC is the course number, and NNN is the section number, sm is the semester (fa, sp, su), and YY is the year (e.g., 17). There is one list for each section in the course. Example list names would be ELEE101001-fa17 or EELE355002-fa17.

    The lists, which are refreshed with current class roll and e-mail information nightly, include each student who is on the class roll whether they have a proper e-mail address or not.

    A list review (see below) can be used to determine which students will have messages sent to them and which will not. Please note that you must be subscribed to a list before you can review the members of the list. List entries have the NOMAIL attribute if the e-mail address does not conform to the basic syntax (user@host.domain) of an Internet e-mail address, or if the student has no known e-mail address. In this case the address is set to <no-address@MYINFO>.

    Students are responsible for maintaining their preferred e-mail addresses in the Banner database by using the MyInfo Web site, which is accessed from the MSU home page by following the MyInfo link in the Quick Links section. New and updated addresses that are entered by 9 p.m. will appear on the list the next day.

  2. The instructor, teaching assistants, and others who need to be on a list may subscribe themselves. Such subscriptions are persistent and are carried forward through the nightly class roll update cycle.

More info:  http://www.montana.edu/uit/lists/documents/class_email_list_info.pdf

Available Commands

In the command descriptions below, replace the <listname> parameter with a specific list name. Multiple subscribe and/or review commands can be included in a single message by placing each command on a separate line prior to the quit command.

Send messages to a list by sending A PLAIN TEXT e-mail (NOT HTML) to:


Subscribe to a list by sending the message:

subscribe <listname>

to :  listserv@listserv.montana.edu

Obtain a listing of the members of a list (list review) via return e-mail by sending the message:

review <listname>

to:   listserv@listserv.montana.edu

More list management information is available from ITC.